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The ultimate search intelligence solution

Digital Value Insight leverages the power of A.I. & data science to convert billions of searches into actionable insights

Shoe market example with commentShoe market example with comment

Make business decisions from 12 billion searches per day worldwide

Understand the structure & dynamics of your market
Decrypt your market and get an accurate understanding of variations: are they seasonal? are they structural?
Discover & quantify emerging consumer needs & trends
What are the rising consumer needs? What are the trendiest products on your market? What are the new brands?
Understand what consumers are searching in relation to your brand
What are consumers expectations about your brand? Which attributes do consumers associate to your brand?
Consumer insights use case example with commentConsumer insights use case example

Brand & Competitions Insights

Assess where your brand is the most searched worldwide
Where is your brand searched the most for worldwide? In which geography is it growing the fastest?
Measure the strength of your brand vs top competitors
What is the share of search of your brand vs your competitors? Are you gaining ground?
Analyse the performance of a product launch
How many consumers are searching for your new product? Does this launch generate incremental demand on other ranges?
Brand and competition use case example with commentBrand and competition use case example

Retail Insights

Identify the e-retailers capturing the online demand on your brand
For each of your products, who are the most visible retailers? Who is investing to capture consumers looking for your brand and products?
Better allocate your trade marketing budget according to visibility
On which e-retailers should you allocate your trade marketing budget? On which pages (homepage, category page…)?
Benchmark your offer vs competitors on each search intention
What are the gaps in your product portfolio vs your competitors, per retailer? What is the associated business potential?
E-retail insights example

Digital Performance Insights

Optimise the share of demand captured by your website on every search intention​
What new content should you publish to capture more visits?
Benchmark your traffic acquisition strategy vs competitors
Uncover your competitors’ traffic acquisition strategy. On which search intention do they focus their efforts?
Measure the impact of your media campaigns on searches
How many incremental searches have been generated? For how long?
Digital derformance insights example with commentDigital derformance insights example
Consumer Insights
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Understand the structure & dynamics of your market
Decrypt the evolution of searches on your market and get an accurate understanding of variations: are they seasonal? are they structural?
Discover & quantify emerging consumer needs & trends
What are the rising consumer needs? What are the trendiest products on your market? What are the new brands?
Understand what consumers are searching in relation to your brand
What are consumers expectations about your brand? Which attributes do consumers associate to your brand?
Consumer insights use case example with commentConsumer insights use case example
Brands & Competition Insights
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Assess where your brand is the most searched worldwide
Where is your brand searched the most for worldwide? In which geography is it growing the fastest?
Measure the strength of your brand vs top competitors
What is the share of search of your brand vs your competitors? Are you gaining ground?
Analyse the performance of a product launch
How many consumers are searching for your new product? Does this launch generate incremental demand on other ranges?
Brand and competition use case example with commentBrand and competition use case example
Retail insights
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Identify the e-retailers capturing the online demand on your brand
For each of your products, who are the most visible retailers? Who is investing to capture consumers looking for your brand and products?
Better allocate your trade marketing budget according to visibility
On which e-retailers should you allocate your trade marketing budget? On which pages (homepage, category page…)?
Benchmark your offer vs competitors on each search intention
What are the gaps in your product portfolio vs your competitors, per retailer? What is the associated business potential?
E-retail insights example
Digital Performance Insights
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Optimise the share of demand captured by your website on every search intention
What new content should you publish to capture more visits?
Benchmark your traffic acquisition strategy vs competitors
Uncover your competitors’ traffic acquisition strategy. On which search intention do they focus their efforts?
Measure the impact of your media campaigns on searches
How many incremental searches have been generated? For how long?
Digital derformance insights example with commentDigital derformance insights example

A platform available 24/7 with fresh data, augmented by a team of 50 seasoned professionals

Online demand
What consumers are really searching for

Digital Value Insight unveils consumer intentions in your market and quantifies the dynamics of each intention.

Access 48 months of historical data from day one!

Demand capture
Which websites are visited by consumers

Digital Value Insight reveals, for each consumer intention, which types of players capture the online searches (brand website, editorial website, retailers, etc.) and assesses the share of demand captured by website and even by landing page.

Monthly or quarterly reviews with seasoned professionals

Our team of 50 experts decrypts the latest trends on your product category and helps you turn insights into concrete actions to meet your business objectives.

Digtal Value Insight harvests data from multiple sources worldwide
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Google logoYahoo logoBaidu logoDouyin logoNaver logo
Google logoYahoo logoBaidu logoDouyin logoNaver logo
Google logoYahoo logoBaidu logoDouyin logoNaver logo

"Search is the moment of truth in the consumer journey, leading to online and offline purchases"

Digital Value Insight is listening to every products & services

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Wines & Spirits
Fashion & Luxury
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Transport & Mobility
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Banking & Insurance
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& many more!

Digital Value Insight covers all geographies

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They talk about Digital Value Insight

Le Figaro
Start-up Your Brand : le programme d'accélération sur mesure des start-ups de l'Adtech-Martech proposé par l'Union des marques pour accompagner la transformation digitale des marques ouvre ses candidatures !
Market Research News
(MR News)
« A l’ère de l’IA, la search intelligence pourrait transformer le métier des insights » – Interview d’Arnaud de Baynast (Digital Value)
« La search intelligence appuyée sur l'IA va révolutionner le domaine des études  » - Interview d'Arnaud de Baynast (Digital Value)
Union des marques
Présentation de Digital Value Insight, 13ème promotion de l'Union des marques - Interview d'Arnaud de Baynast (Digital Value)


What is search intelligence?
Search intelligence is the analysis of consumers intentions expressed on search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Naver, etc.), to enrich consumer knowledge and make data based business decisions.
What differentiates search intelligence from social listening?
Search intelligence analyses consumers queries on searches engines, whereas social listening is focused on social media conversations. Search listening is not biased as searches are spontaneous.
Why is search intelligence a game-changer in the consumer insights industry?
Search intelligence does not have the constraints of traditional research: insights teams can analyze billions of consumer queries from around the world in one go, without having to launch a dedicated survey.
Who is Digital Value?
Digital Value is a consulting firm specialised in Data for business, a new discipline at the crossroads of strategy consulting, data, and technology. We are a team of 50+ market insights experts, business consultants data scientists and software engineers.
Ardian and Isatis Capital have been supporting Digital Value since 2022.
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